HUNT Properties joins Mzansi in "Keeping Up the Hustle"
Monday the 16th March 2020 marked the start of South Africa's 'Corona-geddon'. Coronavirus COVID-19 had escalated from a "what if?" to a national disaster.
Despite a fitting statement by our president the previous evening, and an urgent call for calm, a huge portion of our population was left scrambling for the panic button.
Traders and investors - both local and foreign - dumped our stocks and bonds at a rate not seen in close to a century, all seeking the safe haven of cash US Dollar holdings.
Ordinary citizens turned doomsday preparers swarmed through grocery stores like locusts, stripping shelves in the blink of an eye. South Africa was not alone in this reaction, in fact we were slightly late on the mass hysteria. Australia were at least a week into depleting their national toilet paper stocks, while the international stock markets started tumbling towards the end of last week.
But apart from the "Reggie's rush" style shopping and immediate market reaction, Mzansi set itself apart from its neighbouring countries in a unique way - I am talking about the main street trade, the Mzansi Hustle.
Whilst our "Buffalo in chief" was introducing us to the 'elbow shake', businesses were busy adapting. They were virus-proofing delivery services and payment methods, introducing hygiene measures and adapting to skeleton staff operating remotely. Downing tools was not an option.
As our mighty World Cup winning Springboks and our now world famous Ndlovu Youth Choir has proven, South Africans don't look at the odds. We don't know when we are beaten. We live in a country where we have to make a plan. We are built to tackle and defeat a crisis.
This spirit combined with sage leadership - Government has acted decisively and the South African Reserve Bank similarly with a balanced rate cut of 1%, which will hopefully stave off a debt crisis whilst not inviting rampant inflation - will hopefully make this challenging time a short lived one.
Let's get our Hustle on.
Hunt Properties has taken the COVID-19 pandemic extremely seriously. For our preventative measure please click here:
We will be making further COVID-19 related announcements in the coming days.
Author Ryan Hunt